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Welcome to Boxing Club Kalev, a legendary boxing club that has been shaping champions since its inception.

With a rich history rooted in the sport of boxing, our club stands as a pillar of excellence, delivering unparalleled training and a vibrant community for boxing enthusiasts of all levels.

At Boxing Club Kalev, our mission is clear: to empower individuals through the transformative power of boxing. We believe that boxing is more than just a sport—it is a catalyst for personal growth, discipline, and self-confidence. With a dedicated team of expert trainers and coaches, we strive to instill these values in every member who walks through our doors.

Arm with boxing glove.



Experience a transformative high-intensity interval training that sculpts your physique and torches calories like never before.

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Elevate your body and mind through invigorating workouts led by our supportive trainers, who empower you to take control of your life.




Immerse yourself in a dynamic total body boxing workout that enhances physical conditioning, sharpens mental clarity, and ignites your inner strength.

Boy boxing a punching bag.

We warmly welcome children between the ages of 5 and 18 to join our boxing school.

In today's fast-paced world, where time is a precious commodity, we strive to provide young individuals with flexible opportunities to learn the art of boxing.

At Boxing Club Kalev, we understand the demands of a busy lifestyle, which is why we offer training options that accommodate your schedule. Whether it's group sessions, independent training, or personalized one-on-one sessions with a trainer, you have the freedom to choose what works best for you.



Tõnis Grinkin
Board Member, Boxing Trainer

Estonian champion in boxing 2017

Jujutsu 2012 World Championship CUP winner

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Tõnis Grinkin

Board Member, Boxing Trainer

Timo Põder
Board Member, Boxing Trainer

Võitlusspordiga (karate, ju-jutsu, maadlus, kick-Poks/K1, poks) olen
tegelenud alates 8-aastasest, ehk siis praeguseks kokku ca 30 aastat.
Puhtalt poksiga olen tegelenud ja trenne andnud viimased 12 aastat. See on ühtlasi võitlusspordi vorm, mis mulle kõige rohkem meeldib.
Suurematest saavutustest võib esile tuua kick-poksi Eesti
Meistrivõistluste võidu 2003 aastal.
Minu treenitavad on võitnud medaleid nii kick-poksis kui poksis. Kõige edukam on olnud Mario Jelle, kellel kirkamatest saavututest ette näidata EMV raskekaalu kuld 2018 aastal. Lisaks mitmed Tallinn- ja Jõhvi openi esikohad ja poodiumid EMV võistlustel.

Pirita grupis ootame treenijaid alates 12. eluaastast. Tase on kõigile
(algajad ja võistlejad).
Kui soovid treeningtingimustest täpsemat ülevaadet, siis anna teada.
Keeled: eesti, inglise

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Timo Põder

Board Member, Boxing Trainer

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Boxing & Kickboxing Trainer

I have been at the forefront of training in Morocco, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore since the early 1990’s. Being at the heart of the community, I have been training eager individuals looking to improve their well-being.
I have brought techniques and expertise from industry professionals to deliver personalised groups and personal coaching sessions filled with fun and passion. Not only there is a wealth of knowledge and experience but a huge commitment to health and wellbeing and lots of motivation to support people achieve their training goals. Our approach to training combined with dynamic and fun approach is what makes the sessions fun. Fun is what keeps you eager until the results start to show. It makes your goals easier.
Languages: English and Arabian

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Boxing & Kickboxing Trainer

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Ruslan Lopukhin
Boxing Trainer

Olen pidanud treeneriametit 15 aastat ning ühtlasi olen Eesti koondise koolinoorte vanemtreener. Paljud minu õpilased on tulnud Eesti meistriks ning osalenud ka Euroopa meistrivõistlustel.

Treenerina  olen nõudlik, tähelepanelik ja vastutustundlik.

Võtan aastaringselt uusi poksihuvilisi oma algajate rühmadesse ja personaaltreeningusse.

Languages: Estonian, Russian

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Ruslan Lopukhin

Boxing Trainer

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Sergey Melnik
Boxing Trainer

Sports champion of international class of Ukraine in boxing
July. 2010 year
National category coach
Ukrainian Boxing Association Apr. 2019

• Bronze of the Ukrainian Cup 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010
• 2009 Ukrainian Cup silver
• Bronze of the championship of Ukraine 2008, 2009, 2010
• 2011 Ukrainian championship silver
• Bronze of the 2011 Ukrainian Absolute Championship
• Winner and prize winner of "A" and "B" class international tournaments
• World Series of Boxing WBS (India) 2012 participant

Master's degree
Specialty: physical education.
Professional skills
• more than 10 years of experience as a boxing trainer
• current sparring partner
• experience in managing boxing groups of children and adults with their later participation in the competition process
• I know what I am doing and strive for continuous development; accurate and responsible

Languages: Ukrainian, Estonian, Russian

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Sergey Melnik

Boxing Trainer

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Kaupo Arro
Boxing Trainer

Poksimisega olen tegelenud 18 aastat ja treenerina 14 aastat. Poks on ala, mis õpetab silmitsi seisma oma hirmudega ja neist
võitu saama. Mulle meeldib öelda, et kui sa ei suuda võita ennast siis ei saa sa võita ka vastast.
Poksijana olen 5x Eesti meister, Baltimaade meister ja oselenud mitmetel Maailma MV-del ja Euroopa MV-del.
Treenerina iseloomustaksin ennast kui õpetajat. See tähendab, et mulle meeldib õpilastele selgeks teha, milleks teatud võtteid ja taktikaid kasutada.
Õpetan erinevaid poksistiile ja võtteid, et kõik leiaksid midagi, mis neile sobib ning teaksid, mis suunas edasi liikuda nii tehniliselt kui taktikaliselt.
Minu treeningud on suunatud kõigile, kes tahavad poksi õppida ja ka neile, kes tahavad parandada oma füüsilist vormi ja omandada koordinatsiooni ning head liikuvust.

Languages: Estonian, English

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Kaupo Arro

Boxing Trainer

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Marko Virkunen
Boxing Trainer

Marko on poksimaailmas aktiivselt tegutsenud juba alates 2000. aastast, olles esialgu võistleja ning hiljem juba treener. Ta on tulnud neljal korral Eesti raskekaalu meistriks ning noppinud medaleid ka erinevatelt  rahvusvahelistelt turniiridelt. Tema juhendatavad on igal aastal meistrivõistlustelt endaga kaasa toonud medaleid ning samuti ka mõned meistritiitlid. Marko omab erialast kõrgharidust ning on Eesti VI taseme treener. Lisaks on tal ette näidata ka poksi katuseorganisatsiooni ( ühe tärni treeneri litsentsi, mis annab õiguse osaleda treenerina ka tiitlivõistlustel.

Treenerina on ta kindlakäeline ning peab oluliseks õpilaste tagasisidet. Oma treeningutes proovib ta olla loov ja innovaatiline, et õpilastel püsiks sära silmis.

Tema trenni on oodatud kõik spordihuvilised, kellel on soov olla füüsiliselt aktiivne ja hoida ennast vormis läbi poksi!
Keeled: eesti, inglise, vene ja soome

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Marko Virkunen

Boxing Trainer

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Andres Aasmäe
Boxing Trainer

Languages: Estonian, English, Russian

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Andres Aasmäe

Boxing Trainer

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Kristina Egorova
Boxing Trainer

Two-time Estonian Olympic boxing champion. Former Estonian champion and participant in international rhythmic gymnastics tournaments. Holder of two higher educations in the field of exact sciences. Currently the only girl in Estonia with an Olympic boxing coaching certificate.

In my free time​,​ I make tables​,​ boards​,​ and other products from wood​,​ play the guitar​,​ and draw.

Languages: Estonian, English and Russian

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Kristina Egorova

Boxing Trainer

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Pavel Semjonov
Boxing Trainer
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Pavel Semjonov

Boxing Trainer

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Jüri Aboltõn
Kickboxing Trainer
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Jüri Aboltõn

Kickboxing Trainer

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Marko Šults
Kickboxing Trainer

Olen tegelenud kickpoksiga 10 aastat, eesti meister kickpoksis 2019, teinud profimatše number one fight showl, king of kingsil ja teistel eesti võistlusspordi üritustel Languages: Estonian, English

Annan personaaltrenne.

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Marko Šults

Kickboxing Trainer

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Aleksandr Jegorov
Senior Boxing Trainer

Coach of the famous boxing club named after the Honored Coach of Estonia Karl Lehmann and the current coach of the Poksiklubi Kalev conducts an annual recruitment of athletes to various boxing groups. We ask everyone to try their hand at the oldest sport of "fencing with fists", the art of outplaying and martial arts, as well as in strengthening willpower and moral stability.
- The best coach of Estonia in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, "Master of Sports" in boxing.

Languages: Russian

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Aleksandr Jegorov

Senior Boxing Trainer


At Boxing Club Kalev, we offer a range of membership options designed to cater to your specific needs and fitness goals. With our flexible membership plans, you can choose the option that best suits your preferences and training requirements.



Can children visit the club independently?


Yes, of course, if the parents have given permission and the coach is in the hall at the same time. At other times, such as during independent training, unfortunately, children under the age of 16 cannot be allowed. young people can visit the club independently. If necessary, it must be agreed with the coach in advance.

Do we offer trial training?


All new members have the opportunity to attend FREE trial training in designated groups.

Do we offer a visitor pass?


One-time passes are immediately visible by clicking on the timetable. In addition, an existing member can bring a friend along for their credit.

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FEB, 2024
Tondi, Tallinn

Warrior Fight CLUB 2024

Discover our high-profile pro events, Warrior Fight, held at prestigious venues. Experience the adrenaline-pumping action as top fighters battle for supremacy in the ring.

Liivalaia and Tondi

classical boxing & KICkboxing COURSES

If you want to start learning boxing technique right away or continue earlier training, lose weight, build strength and build muscle tone, our Boxing  Basic Course is for you.


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Joining Boxing Club Kalev has been a game-changer for me. The trainers are incredibly knowledgeable and push me to reach new heights in my boxing skills. The supportive and friendly atmosphere of the club makes every training session enjoyable. I've seen amazing progress in my fitness and technique since I joined. Highly recommended!

- Kristi M

I'm so grateful to have found Boxing Club Kalev. As a beginner, I was a bit nervous, but the welcoming and supportive environment put me at ease right away. The trainers are patient and take the time to teach proper techniques, ensuring safety and progress. The classes are challenging but also a lot of fun. I've gained confidence, improved my fitness level, and made new friends along the way. Boxing Club Kalev is truly a hidden gem!

- Sandra L.